Because of the heightened responsibilities associated with driving advisement, the EDS is sold only for use by health care professionals who:
- Can establish that they have credentials and accountability implied by degrees, professional affiliation/membership and licensure, e.g.
- Any Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist (Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists’ CDRS)
- Anyone with experience in brain injury rehabilitation and an associated professional license, e.g., Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Special Education, Medicine, Vocational Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy
- Therapists in the VA who work in neurorehabilitation
- Will take personal responsibility for use of the system; and
- Have completed our 9 hour Driving Advisement Training Seminar.
- Persons can also register as auditors for the Driving Advisement Seminar. This registration is usually appropriate for an administrators who need to learn about the EDS but do not expect to be administering. Auditors who actively participate in the full seminar may upgrade their registration in the future by paying the difference in fee.